Activist San Diego
San Diego, CA
// The Agape Foundation Board of Trustees Grant $2,000
Support for the development of the Activist Community Center and to strengthen the technological, organizational, and outreach capability of Activist San Diego. This grant will help fund ASD as the hub of a growing network, dedicated to an active and peaceful alternative voice to the military establishment that has dominated this city.
Disability Social Justice
Berkeley, CA
// The David R. Stern Fund $2,000
Support to distribute ten selections from the “Pushing Limits” program, radio by, for, and about people living with disabilities. “Pushing Limits” is an ongoing KPFA program that addresses issues relevant and empowering to the disability community. The distribution has a two-part goal: to link the radio program with established disability organizations and individuals in those communities; and to establish dialogue and community among radio producers who regularly broadcast information about disability.
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch
Arnold, CA
// The Agape Foundation Board of Trustees Grant $2,000
Support to partially fund the Community Action Project (CAP), a locally focused project that promotes citizen participation in the democratic process to assure that the county’s land use and future planning decisions reflect the will of the majority of the county’s citizens rather than just the economic-based interests of a few corporations or individuals. The funds will be specifically used for community outreach and education to engage citizens in this process
Guerrero Azteca Peace Project
Escondido, CA
// The David R. Stern Fund $2,000
Support so expand their counter-military recruitment outreach in Spanish speaking communities; reach Latino youth with their information, presentations and materials and support their Peace Scholarship program for youth who want to be peace activists.
Monterey Peace and Justice Center
Monterey, CA
// The Emmy Lefson Memorial Fund for Peace, Social Justice and Human Rights $2,000
Support to fund staff and photocopying of materials for a Military Counter-Recruitment Campaign, called “Youth Rights: Pro-Youth, Pro-Truth.” The Center is a community resource and meeting place for individuals and groups working for peace and justice in Monterey County.